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Creating effective food plots for deer is a key strategy in wildlife management and hunting success. The method you choose to plant your food plots can significantly influence their productivity and sustainability. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore three popular methods: broadcasting, no-till, and seed drilling. We’ll delve into the pros and cons of each method and provide step-by-step instructions to help you implement them effectively.


Broadcasting is the process of scattering seeds evenly over the soil surface. This traditional method is widely used due to its simplicity and cost-effectiveness.

Pros of Broadcasting

  1. Ease of Use: Broadcasting seeds is straightforward and does not require advanced equipment.
  2. Cost-Effective: It minimizes expenses related to machinery and labor.
  3. Time-Efficient: This method is quick, allowing you to cover large areas in a short time.

Cons of Broadcasting

  1. Seed-Soil Contact: Achieving optimal seed-soil contact can be challenging, leading to lower germination rates.
  2. Predation and Wastage: Seeds are more exposed to birds and rodents.
  3. Weed Competition: Without proper soil preparation, seeds face significant competition from weeds.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Broadcasting

  1. Site Selection and Preparation:
    • Choose a well-drained site with good sunlight exposure.
    • Mow existing vegetation to a low height.
    • Apply a non-selective herbicide to kill any remaining vegetation.
  2. Soil Testing and Amendments:
    • Conduct a soil test to determine pH and nutrient levels.
    • Apply lime and fertilizer as recommended by the soil test results.
  3. Seed Selection:
    • Choose seeds suited to your local climate and soil conditions. Common choices include clover, chicory, and brassicas.
  4. Seed Broadcasting:
    • Use a hand-held spreader or broadcast spreader to evenly distribute seeds over the soil surface.
    • For small plots, you can also broadcast seeds by hand.
  5. Seed Coverage:
    • Lightly rake or drag the soil to cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil.
    • Alternatively, use a cultipacker to press the seeds into the soil.
  6. Watering and Maintenance:
    • Water the plot if rainfall is insufficient to ensure seed germination.
    • Monitor for weeds and apply selective herbicides if necessary.

No-Till Planting

No-till planting involves sowing seeds directly into undisturbed soil. This method helps preserve soil structure and moisture, promoting sustainable land management.

Pros of No-Till Planting

  1. Soil Health: Enhances soil structure and microbial activity.
  2. Moisture Retention: Undisturbed soil retains moisture better.
  3. Erosion Control: Minimizes soil erosion by keeping the soil intact.

Cons of No-Till Planting

  1. Initial Weed Pressure: Existing weeds can compete with new seedlings.
  2. Equipment Costs: Requires specific no-till planters or drills.
  3. Learning Curve: Requires adjustment to local conditions and mastering the technique.

Step-by-Step Instructions for No-Till Planting

  1. Site Selection and Preparation:
    • Choose a location with minimal slope to reduce erosion risks.
    • Mow existing vegetation to create a manageable surface.
  2. Herbicide Application:
    • Apply a non-selective herbicide to kill existing vegetation.
    • Allow time for the herbicide to work, usually 1-2 weeks.
  3. Soil Testing and Amendments:
    • Conduct a soil test and amend the soil based on the results.
    • Apply lime and fertilizer as needed without disturbing the soil.
  4. Seed Selection:
    • Choose seeds that perform well in no-till systems. Perennial forages like clover and alfalfa are excellent choices.
  5. Seeding Process:
    • Use a no-till planter or drill to plant seeds at the recommended depth.
    • Ensure even seed distribution and proper spacing.
  6. Post-Planting Care:
    • Monitor the plot for weed growth and apply selective herbicides if necessary.
    • Water the plot during dry periods to ensure seed germination and growth.

Seed Drilling

Seed drilling involves using a drill to place seeds at a precise depth in the soil. This method is known for its efficiency and high germination rates.

Pros of Seed Drilling

  1. Precision Planting: Ensures seeds are placed at optimal depths for better germination.
  2. Reduced Seed Waste: Minimizes seed wastage and protects seeds from predation.
  3. Uniform Growth: Leads to uniform crop stands and better weed suppression.

Cons of Seed Drilling

  1. Equipment Costs: Seed drills are expensive and require a significant investment.
  2. Skill Requirement: Requires expertise to operate the seed drill effectively.
  3. Soil Compaction: Heavy machinery can cause soil compaction over time.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Seed Drilling

  1. Site Selection and Preparation:
    • Select a well-drained site with good sunlight exposure.
    • Mow existing vegetation and remove debris from the field.
  2. Soil Testing and Amendments:
    • Conduct a soil test and amend the soil according to the results.
    • Apply lime and fertilizer as needed to prepare the seedbed.
  3. Seed Selection:
    • Choose seeds suited to your local conditions and the intended forage for deer. Popular choices include soybeans, corn, and legumes.
  4. Drill Calibration:
    • Calibrate the seed drill to ensure it plants seeds at the correct depth and spacing.
    • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for calibration settings.
  5. Seeding Process:
    • Use the seed drill to plant seeds in straight rows, ensuring even distribution.
    • Check the drill periodically to ensure proper operation and adjust settings if necessary.
  6. Post-Planting Care:
    • Monitor the plot for signs of pests and diseases.
    • Water the plot as needed to support seed germination and early growth.
    • Apply fertilizers as recommended to promote healthy plant development.

Comparing the Methods

Cost and Equipment

  • Broadcasting: Least expensive, minimal equipment required.
  • No-Till: Moderate cost, requires no-till planters or specialized equipment.
  • Seed Drilling: Highest cost due to the need for a seed drill.

Soil Health and Erosion

  • Broadcasting: May lead to erosion if the soil is not stabilized.
  • No-Till: Excellent for soil health and erosion control.
  • Seed Drilling: Good for soil health but can cause compaction if overused.

Efficiency and Seed Utilization

  • Broadcasting: Lower germination rates, higher seed wastage.
  • No-Till: Moderate efficiency, better seed utilization with proper techniques.
  • Seed Drilling: High efficiency, optimal seed utilization.

Labor and Time

  • Broadcasting: Quick and easy, minimal labor.
  • No-Till: Moderate labor, time-consuming initial setup.
  • Seed Drilling: Labor-intensive, requires time for proper setup and operation.


Choosing the right planting method for your deer food plots depends on various factors, including budget, available equipment, soil health, and personal preferences. Broadcasting is ideal for those seeking a cost-effective and quick solution. No-till planting offers long-term soil health benefits and is suitable for environmentally conscious land managers. Seed drilling provides precision and efficiency but requires a significant investment in equipment and labor.

By understanding the pros and cons of each method and following the step-by-step instructions provided, you can make informed decisions that align with your goals and resources. This ensures a successful and sustainable food plot that attracts and sustains healthy deer populations.


The post The Ultimate Guide to Planting Deer Food Plots: Broadcasting, No-Till, and Seed Drilling Methods Explained appeared first on Big Man Sports and Outdoors.

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The One and Only Guide You Need to Planting Wildlife Food Plots for Deer https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/the-one-and-only-guide-you-need-to-planting-wildlife-food-plots-for-deer/ https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/the-one-and-only-guide-you-need-to-planting-wildlife-food-plots-for-deer/#respond Wed, 31 Jul 2024 22:06:28 +0000 https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/?p=918 Planting a wildlife food plot for deer is an essential strategy that has transformed my hunting experience, much like it has for many dedicated hunters. A meticulously planned and well-maintained food plot doesn’t just attract deer to your land; it nourishes them, promoting healthier herds and more robust bucks. As someone who spends countless hours […]

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Planting a wildlife food plot for deer is an essential strategy that has transformed my hunting experience, much like it has for many dedicated hunters. A meticulously planned and well-maintained food plot doesn’t just attract deer to your land; it nourishes them, promoting healthier herds and more robust bucks. As someone who spends countless hours in the field, I’ve witnessed firsthand how a diverse, nutrient-rich food plot can make all the difference during hunting season.

Whether you’re aiming to provide critical nutrition during the harsh winter months or looking to draw deer in during the early fall, the right food plot mix can create a thriving habitat that supports wildlife year-round. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into every aspect of planting a successful food plot for deer, from choosing the best clover varieties to understanding seasonal strategies for maximum impact. Whether you’re a seasoned hunter or just getting started, these insights will help you establish a food plot that not only enhances your hunting opportunities but also contributes to the health and sustainability of the local deer population. Let’s get started on transforming your hunting grounds into a wildlife haven.

Why Plant a Food Plot for Deer?

A well-planned food plot serves multiple purposes:

  • Attracts Deer: A well-planned food plot serves as a reliable food source, drawing deer to your property and encouraging them to stay. This increases your chances of observing and hunting deer, making your land a prime location during hunting season.
  • Nutritional Support: Food plots provide essential nutrients that help deer thrive, especially during critical times like late winter and early spring when natural forage is scarce. A variety of plants, including clover, brassicas, and winter peas, offer high protein and energy, promoting overall deer health and supporting antler growth in bucks.
  • Hunting Advantage: Strategically placed food plots can significantly improve your hunting success. By positioning plots near bedding areas or along travel corridors, you can influence deer movement and create predictable patterns that make hunting more effective and enjoyable.
  • Wildlife Conservation: Food plots contribute to the overall health of the local ecosystem. They support not only deer but also other wildlife, including turkeys, rabbits, and birds. By providing a consistent food source, you help maintain a balanced and thriving wildlife population.
  • Habitat Improvement: Beyond feeding deer, food plots can improve soil health and biodiversity. Rotating crops and using no-till methods enhance soil structure, reduce erosion, and promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms.
  • Year-Round Benefits: Food plots offer benefits throughout the year. Summer plots provide essential nutrition during the growing season, while fall and winter plots ensure deer have enough food to sustain them through colder months. This year-round support helps deer populations remain strong and healthy.

Planning Your Food Plot

1. Assess Your Land

Before you start planting, take a close look at your land. Consider factors such as soil quality, sunlight exposure, drainage, and water availability. Conduct a soil test to determine the pH and nutrient levels, which will guide your seed selection and soil preparation. Most soil analysis can be conducted at your local extension office.

2. Choose the Right Location

Select a location that receives at least 4-6 hours of sunlight per day. Avoid areas with poor drainage or heavy shade. The ideal spot is near bedding areas or travel corridors to maximize deer traffic. Also, areas where habitat diversity is present will make a good place to plant.

3. Define Your Goals

What do you want to achieve with your food plot? Are you looking to attract deer during a specific season, or do you want a year-round food source? Your goals will influence the type of seeds you choose and the plot’s design.

4. Determine Plot Size and ShapeDetermine Plot Size and Shape

Smaller plots (1-2 acres) are easier to manage and can still be highly effective. Irregular shapes with edges and corners can be more appealing to deer than large, open areas.

Selecting the Right Seed Mix

Choosing the right seed mix is crucial for the success of your food plot. Here are some popular options:

Clover for Deer

Clover is a favorite among deer and provides excellent forage throughout the year. It’s also easy to establish and maintain.

  • Best Clover to Plant for Deer: Look for varieties like Ladino, White Dutch, and Crimson clover. These types are hardy and provide high nutritional value.
  • Clover Food Plot Seed: Opt for a mix that suits your soil type and climate.

Winter Rye for Deer

Winter rye is an excellent choice for late-season plots. It grows quickly and provides a nutritious food source when other plants are dormant.

Winter Peas for Deer

Winter peas are high in protein and are particularly attractive to deer during the fall and winter months. They can be planted alone or mixed with other seeds.

Brassica Food Plot

Brassicas, such as turnips and radishes, are another great option for late-season plots. They provide high-energy forage and are easy to grow.

Buck Forage Oats

Buck forage oats are specifically designed for deer. They are highly palatable and provide excellent nutrition during the fall and winter.

Planting Your Food Plot

1. Prepare the Soil

Start by clearing the area of any existing vegetation. Use a herbicide if necessary, and wait for it to take effect. Once the area is clear, till the soil to a depth of 4-6 inches. Incorporate lime and fertilizer based on your soil test results to adjust the pH and nutrient levels.

2. Select the Planting Method

There are several planting methods to choose from:

  • Traditional Tilling: This method involves tilling the soil and then broadcasting or drilling the seeds.
  • No-Till: This method involves planting seeds directly into the soil without tilling. It’s less disruptive to the soil structure.
  • Throw and Grow Food Plot: This method is suitable for small, remote areas. Simply clear the area, scatter the seeds, and let nature do the rest.

3. Plant the Seeds

You may follow the recommended application rate on the seed bag, but I want a thick stand of whatever I’m planting, so I usually double the rate. Broadcast the seeds evenly across the plot, then use a roller, drag harrow, or a cultipacker to ensure good seed-to-soil contact. It’s always a good idea to watch the weather and do your best to plant when rain is in the forecast, but you may have to water the plot if necessary to help the seeds germinate.

Maintaining Your Food Plot

1. Monitor Growth

Regularly check your food plot for signs of growth and health. Look for any signs of pest infestations or nutrient deficiencies.

2. Weed Control

Keep weeds in check to ensure they don’t outcompete your food plot plants. Use herbicides or mechanical methods as needed. Depending on your seed selection, some sellers offer round-up ready varieties.

3. Fertilization

Apply additional fertilizer as needed based on the growth and health of your plants. Follow the recommendations from your soil test. I can tell you from experience that it’s pretty difficult to over fertilize corn of any variety. I typically fertilize my corn at planting then at a minimum one additional time when it’s about 18″ tall.

4. Mowing

For perennial plots like clover, mowing can help maintain plant health and encourage new growth. Mow at a height of 6-8 inches to keep the plot productive.

5. Irrigation

Ensure your food plot receives adequate water, especially during dry periods. Irrigation may be necessary to keep the plants thriving.

Seasonal Food Plot Strategies

Spring and Summer

During the spring and summer, focus on establishing annuals like clover and brassicas. These plants provide essential nutrition during the growing season and help build a strong foundation for the fall.

  • Summer Food Plots for Deer: Plant warm-season annuals like soybeans, cowpeas, and sunflowers. These provide high protein and attract deer during the summer months.

Fall and Winter

In the fall, switch to planting cool-season annuals like winter rye, winter peas, and brassicas. These plants are critical for providing nutrition during the colder months.

  • Best Food Plot for Deer: A mix of winter rye, brassicas, and winter peas can create a diverse and nutritious food plot that attracts deer throughout the fall and winter.

Tips for Success

1. Start Small

If you’re new to planting food plots, start with a small area. This will make it easier to manage and monitor the plot’s success.

2. Be Patient

Food plots take time to establish. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results. With proper care, your plot will become a valuable asset over time.

3. Rotate Crops

Rotating crops helps maintain soil health and prevents disease build-up. Alternate between different types of plants each season.

4. Use High-Quality Seeds

Invest in high-quality seeds from reputable suppliers. This ensures better germination rates and healthier plants.

5. Keep Records

Maintain a journal of your food plot activities. Record what you planted, when you planted it, and any observations about the plot’s growth and health.


Planting a food plot for deer is a rewarding endeavor that can enhance your hunting experience and support local wildlife. By carefully selecting the right seed mix, preparing the soil, and maintaining the plot, you’ll create a thriving food source that attracts deer year-round. Whether you’re using clover for deer, winter rye for deer, or any other seed mix, the key is to plan ahead, stay patient, and adapt your strategies based on the results you see.

Additional Resources

To further enhance your knowledge and skills in creating successful food plots for deer, consider exploring the following resources:

By utilizing these resources, you can stay updated on the latest techniques, seed varieties, and best practices in the world of deer food plots. Whether you’re looking for clover food plot seed, brassica food plot options, or the best deer food for different seasons, these websites offer valuable insights and products to help you achieve your goals.


Q: What is the best clover for deer? A: The best clover for deer includes varieties like Ladino, White Dutch, and Crimson clover. These types are known for their hardiness and high nutritional value.

Q: Can I plant a food plot without tilling the soil? A: Yes, you can use the no-till or throw and grow food plot methods. These methods are less disruptive to the soil and can be effective in certain conditions.

Q: How often should I fertilize my food plot? A: Fertilization frequency depends on the soil test results and the growth of your plants. Generally, you should fertilize at planting and then as needed based on the plant’s health.

Q: What are some good summer food plots for deer? A: Good summer food plots for deer include warm-season annuals like soybeans, cowpeas, and sunflowers. These plants provide high protein and attract deer during the summer months.

Q: How do I keep weeds out of my food plot? A: Weed control involves regular monitoring, using herbicides, and mechanical methods like mowing or hand-pulling. Keeping weeds in check ensures that your food plot plants thrive without competition.

By addressing these common questions and following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful and productive food plot for deer.

The post The One and Only Guide You Need to Planting Wildlife Food Plots for Deer appeared first on Big Man Sports and Outdoors.

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Discover the Best Premium Golf Balls of 2024: Top Picks for Performance and Control https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/discover-the-best-premium-golf-balls-of-2024-top-picks-for-performance-and-control/ https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/discover-the-best-premium-golf-balls-of-2024-top-picks-for-performance-and-control/#respond Sat, 27 Jul 2024 23:48:57 +0000 https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/?p=913 Titleist Pro V1 When it comes to premium golf balls, the Titleist Pro V1 golf ball has consistently set the benchmark. For 2023, Titleist has once again refined this iconic ball, making subtle but impactful improvements that cater to golfers seeking a blend of distance, control, and consistency. Key Features and Technology The standout feature […]

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Titleist Pro V1

When it comes to premium golf balls, the Titleist Pro V1 golf ball has consistently set the benchmark. For 2023, Titleist has once again refined this iconic ball, making subtle but impactful improvements that cater to golfers seeking a blend of distance, control, and consistency.

Key Features and Technology

The standout feature of the 2024 Pro V1 is its high-gradient core, which is firmer on the outside and progressively softer towards the center. This design promotes faster ball speeds and lower long-game spin, providing a more penetrating flight. This core, combined with advancements in manufacturing processes, ensures greater consistency in both speed and spin.

Performance Insights

Mid-Iron Performance: One of the most impressive aspects of the Pro V1 is its performance with mid-irons. During testing, there was a noticeable reduction in spin and a slight increase in distance compared to previous versions. The ball consistently delivered a strong, stable flight with a higher peak height, enhancing its stopping power on the greens.

Off the Tee: The Pro V1 shines with its excellent ball speed and distance. While differences between the 2024 and older models were subtle off the tee, the new Pro V1 offered a consistently strong ball flight with minimal spin variation, enhancing predictability and control.

Short Game Control: For approach shots and around the greens, the Pro V1 delivers impressive spin control. Testing revealed an average spin of 5183 rpm on 50-yard pitch shots, demonstrating its capability to provide excellent stopping power, essential for precise short-game play.

Comparison with Pro V1x and AVX

Compared to the Pro V1x, the Pro V1 launches lower and spins less, making it ideal for golfers who struggle with excessive spin. While the Pro V1x might suit players needing higher spin and a slightly higher ball flight, the Pro V1’s lower, more penetrating flight is perfect for those looking for controlled distance. For players seeking even lower spin, the Titleist AVX remains a viable option.

Feel and Flight Consistency

One of the Pro V1’s enduring strengths is its soft feel. The 2024 model retains this quality, offering a tactile experience that many golfers prefer. Additionally, the ball’s consistency in flight and performance, both in launch monitor testing and on the course, underscores Titleist’s commitment to quality.

Who Should Use the Titleist Pro V1?

The Pro V1 is best suited for golfers who need a balance of distance and control. It’s particularly beneficial for players who generate excess spin and need a ball that can reduce spin rates without sacrificing feel and performance. Whether you’re a long-time Pro V1 user or considering it for the first time, the 2023 version delivers a familiar yet enhanced experience.

Final Thoughts

Titleist continues to set the standard with the 2023 Pro V1. Its blend of advanced technology, superior consistency, and excellent performance across various aspects of the game makes it a top choice for serious golfers. If you’re looking to elevate your game with a reliable and high-performing golf ball, the Pro V1 is a worthy investment.

Taylormade TP5

When it comes to selecting a premium golf ball, the TaylorMade TP5 2024 stands out as a top contender. Known for its exceptional greenside spin, soft feel, and durability, the TP5 caters to golfers looking to enhance their short game without compromising on performance. Here’s a detailed look at what makes the TaylorMade TP5 a must-try for 2024.

Key Features and Technology

Core Technology: The 2024 TP5 features an advanced low-density acoustic core. This core is designed to feel softer while being able to generate higher speeds, offering the best of both worlds: a soft, muted sound on impact without sacrificing distance.

Decoupling Feel and Speed: TaylorMade has innovated by decoupling feel and speed through material advancements. This means golfers can enjoy a softer feel and added distance simultaneously, a challenge previously considered insurmountable.

Visual Design: The TP5 isn’t just about performance; it also excels in aesthetics. TaylorMade has invested in visual technology to enhance the ball’s appearance, with updates in the Pix version introducing a new square pattern with brighter orange accents for better visibility.

Performance Insights

Greenside Spin and Feel: The TP5 is lauded for its greenside spin. It delivers exceptional control, allowing the ball to stay on the clubface longer and impart more spin. This results in a higher level of grab on the greens, enabling golfers to be more aggressive with their short game.

Distance and Ball Speed: While the TP5 might give up some distance compared to its sibling, the TP5x, it still offers impressive performance off the tee. During testing, it was only about two mph slower off the driver face than the TP5x, with a very consistent and manageable ball flight. This slight reduction in speed is a worthy trade-off for the enhanced feel and control.

Durability: One of the standout features of the TP5 is its durability. Despite extensive testing, particularly around the short game area, the ball showed minimal wear. This makes it a reliable choice for golfers who demand longevity from their equipment.

Comparison with TP5x

The TP5x, while similar in many respects, provides a slight edge in ball speed and lower spin rates. This makes it ideal for players prioritizing distance over greenside control. Conversely, the TP5 is perfect for those who value a softer feel and enhanced spin around the greens.

Customization and Availability

TaylorMade has expanded its customization options with the TP5 and TP5x. The new MySymbol collection offers a range of logo options for personalizing your golf balls. The TP5 is available in both white and yellow, with the Pix version featuring an updated pattern for improved visibility. The retail price is set at approximately $54.99.

Final Thoughts

The TaylorMade TP5 2024 golf ball is a fantastic choice for golfers seeking a balance of soft feel, exceptional greenside control, and reliable performance. While it may cater to a more niche market compared to the TP5x, the TP5 stands out for those who prioritize short game excellence and a softer touch. Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or looking to improve your game, the TP5 is worth a try.

Bridgestone Tour B XS

For golfers who demand top-notch performance from their equipment, the Bridgestone Tour B XS stands out as a premium choice in 2024. Designed to deliver exceptional spin, control, and feel, this golf ball is tailored for players seeking to fine-tune their short game without sacrificing distance. Here’s a detailed look at the features and benefits of the Bridgestone Tour B XS based on the latest review from Golf Monthly.

Advanced REACTIV iQ Cover Technology

The hallmark of the Bridgestone Tour B XS is its innovative REACTIV iQ cover technology. This smart cover adapts to the force of impact, providing more distance and speed on full shots while increasing spin on approach shots and around the greens. The cover’s ability to react differently depending on the shot type ensures that you get the most out of every swing, making it a versatile choice for all aspects of your game.

Superior Greenside Control

One of the key strengths of the Tour B XS is its greenside control. The ball’s high spin rates, especially on short shots, allow it to stop quickly on the greens, giving you the confidence to attack pins with precision. This control is crucial for golfers who rely on their short game to score well, as it helps in executing those delicate chips and pitches with greater accuracy.

Consistent Performance

During extensive testing, the Tour B XS demonstrated consistent performance across various club types. The ball showed slightly lower speeds off the driver compared to some competitors, but this was more than compensated by its excellent control and spin rates. With a driver, the ball produced around 2400 rpm of spin, while the 7-iron and pitching wedge generated 6800 rpm and 9650 rpm respectively. This consistency ensures that you can trust the ball to perform well regardless of the club in hand.

Enhanced Feel

The soft feel of the Bridgestone Tour B XS is another significant advantage. The ball offers a responsive feel that many golfers prefer, particularly on and around the greens. The REACTIV iQ cover not only provides exceptional spin but also delivers a satisfying soft feel that enhances feedback on putts and chips. This feel is vital for players who want to have a better touch and control over their shots.

Durability and Value

Durability is a crucial factor for any golf ball, and the Tour B XS excels in this department. Despite its soft cover, the ball is designed to withstand the rigors of play without significant wear and tear. This durability ensures that you can rely on the ball to maintain its performance over multiple rounds. Priced at $49.99 per dozen, the Tour B XS offers excellent value for a premium golf ball, making it a worthwhile investment for serious golfers.


The Bridgestone Tour B XS is a standout choice for golfers who prioritize spin, control, and feel. Its advanced REACTIV iQ cover technology, superior greenside performance, and consistent results make it a top contender in the premium golf ball market. Whether you’re looking to improve your short game or need a reliable ball that performs well in all conditions, the Tour B XS is worth considering. Elevate your game with the precision and control offered by Bridgestone’s latest innovation.

Callaway Chrome Tour

The Callaway Chrome Tour golf ball has made a significant impression in the premium golf ball market for 2024. Designed with advanced technology to enhance performance, this ball is tailored for high-speed and high-spin players seeking consistency and control. Here’s an in-depth look at what makes the Callaway Chrome Tour a standout choice.

Hyperfast Soft Core Technology

At the heart of the Callaway Chrome Tour is the Hyperfast Soft core, a new innovation designed to maximize speed. This core uses a unique rubber system, combining a new base polymer with other ingredients to achieve optimal compression for speed. The result is a ball that delivers impressive distance while maintaining a soft feel, a combination that many golfers seek.

Innovative Dimple Design

The Chrome Tour features a crossover dimple pattern that includes both hexagonal and spherical dimples. This innovative design enhances the stability of the ball flight, providing more consistency in various playing conditions. Whether you’re dealing with calm or windy weather, this ball is engineered to maintain a stable trajectory, helping you stay on target.

Soft Feel and Control

One of the most appealing aspects of the Callaway Chrome Tour is its soft feel. This ball is slightly softer than both its sibling, the Chrome Tour X, and competitors like the Titleist Pro V1x. The softer feel is more noticeable on mid and short iron shots, providing better feedback and control, which is crucial for precision play around the greens.

Performance in the Wind

Testing in windy conditions revealed that the Chrome Tour excels in maintaining a consistent flight path. The stability and predictability of its flight are impressive, making it a reliable choice for players who often face challenging weather. The ball’s ability to resist being pushed off course by the wind allows for more accurate shots, even in less-than-ideal conditions.

Comparative Performance

In comparison to other premium balls, the Chrome Tour holds its own. While it might be fractionally slower off the driver than some competitors, the difference is minimal—just 0.5 mph slower than the Titleist Pro V1x and 0.7 mph slower than the Chrome Tour X. This slight reduction in speed translates to only a minor decrease in distance, with the Chrome Tour averaging two yards less carry than the Pro V1x and four yards less than the Chrome Tour X. However, this is offset by the ball’s excellent control and consistency.

Ideal Player Profile

The Callaway Chrome Tour is particularly suited for players with high swing speeds who naturally generate a lot of spin. Its lower spin profile helps in reducing excessive spin, which can be advantageous for controlling ball flight and improving accuracy. This makes it an ideal choice for golfers who play in windy conditions or those who prefer a softer feel without compromising on performance.


The Callaway Chrome Tour golf ball is a strong contender in the premium golf ball market. Its advanced core technology, innovative dimple design, and excellent performance in windy conditions make it a reliable and high-performing option for serious golfers. Whether you’re looking for a ball that offers a soft feel, consistent flight, or better control, the Chrome Tour is a worthy addition to your golf bag. As Callaway continues to push the boundaries of golf ball technology, the Chrome Tour stands out as a testament to their commitment to enhancing the game for players of all levels.

PXG Xtreme

The PXG Xtreme golf ball is a new entrant in the premium golf ball market, aiming to compete with industry giants like the Titleist Pro V1x and the Taylormade TP5. Designed with advanced technology and innovation, the PXG Xtreme promises enhanced performance across all aspects of the game. Here’s a detailed look at what makes the PXG Xtreme a standout choice for golfers in 2024.

First Impressions and Design

Right out of the box, the PXG Xtreme impresses with its sleek, stealth black packaging adorned with white writing, consistent with PXG’s branding. The ball itself sports a bright white, almost pearly finish, which sets it apart visually from the slightly duller white of many other premium balls. This unique appearance is not just for show; it makes the ball easier to spot on the course, a subtle yet valuable feature.

Firm Feel and Sound

One of the most noticeable characteristics of the PXG Xtreme is its firm feel and sound. Despite being a three-piece, urethane-covered ball, it feels noticeably firmer than competitors like the Pro V1x. This firmness is especially evident when putting, where the ball produces a louder, more “clicky” sound. While this might take some getting used to, it provides excellent feedback, helping players gauge their shots better.

Performance in the Short Game

The PXG Xtreme excels in the short game, delivering impressive spin and control. During testing on soft greens, the ball demonstrated remarkable grab and spin, outperforming expectations. On 50-yard shots, the PXG Xtreme averaged spin rates of 5795 rpm, slightly higher than the Pro V1x. This high spin rate ensures better control and precision, crucial for chip shots and approaches.

Long Game Performance

In the long game, the PXG Xtreme holds its ground well against established premium balls. When tested with a seven iron, the ball produced similar spin rates to the Pro V1x, around 6917 rpm. However, it fell slightly short in ball speed and carry distance, with the Pro V1x averaging 4 mph more ball speed and a longer carry distance. Despite this, the PXG Xtreme’s performance remained consistent and reliable, even in windy conditions.

Driver Performance

When tested with a driver, the PXG Xtreme showed promising results. It produced an average carry distance of 289 yards, just shy of the Pro V1x’s 292 yards. Interestingly, the PXG ball generated 1 mph more ball speed than the Pro V1x but had 200 rpm more spin, slightly affecting its overall distance. Nonetheless, the PXG Xtreme’s performance was commendable, demonstrating that it can keep up with the top contenders in the market.

Durability and Alignment

Durability is a minor area where the PXG Xtreme could see improvement. After several bunker shots and greenside plays, the ball showed a bit more wear and tear compared to the Pro V1x. However, this does not significantly detract from its overall performance. Additionally, the alignment aid on the PXG Xtreme is a practical feature that helps with setup and targeting, saving players the hassle of drawing lines on their balls.

Final Thoughts

The PXG Xtreme golf ball is a remarkable addition to the premium golf ball market. Its firm feel, excellent short game performance, and reliable long game capabilities make it a strong contender for golfers seeking a high-performing ball in 2024. While it may take some time to adjust to its firmness and sound, the benefits it offers in terms of control and consistency are well worth it. If you’re looking for a premium ball that stands out in performance and design, the PXG Xtreme is definitely worth considering.

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Top 5 Best Golf Gloves of 2024: Enhance Your Game with the Best Golf Gloves https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/top-5-best-golf-gloves-of-2024-enhance-your-game-with-the-best-golf-gloves/ https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/top-5-best-golf-gloves-of-2024-enhance-your-game-with-the-best-golf-gloves/#respond Sat, 27 Jul 2024 19:13:31 +0000 https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/?p=904 When it comes to enhancing your golf game, the right equipment can make all the difference. Among the essential gear, a quality golf glove is often overlooked, yet it plays a pivotal role in ensuring a firm grip, preventing blisters, and enhancing overall performance. After meticulous testing and countless rounds on the green, I’ve put […]

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When it comes to enhancing your golf game, the right equipment can make all the difference. Among the essential gear, a quality golf glove is often overlooked, yet it plays a pivotal role in ensuring a firm grip, preventing blisters, and enhancing overall performance. After meticulous testing and countless rounds on the green, I’ve put 15 of the most popular golf gloves through their paces. The result? I’ve identified the top 4 golf gloves of 2024 that truly stand out in terms of comfort, durability, and performance.

In this review, I’m excited to share my findings with you, so you can make an informed decision and elevate your game. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, finding the perfect glove is key to achieving consistency and control in your swing. The gloves featured here have been selected based on rigorous criteria, including material quality, grip stability, moisture control, and overall fit.

We’ll dive into each glove’s unique features, pros and cons, and how they performed under various conditions. From the sweltering heat of mid-summer rounds to the crisp, cool mornings of early spring, these gloves have proven their mettle. You’ll find options that cater to different preferences, whether you prioritize a soft feel, breathability, or maximum durability.

As an avid golfer dedicated to helping other golfers find the best gear, I understand the importance of trustworthy recommendations. These gloves are the result of hands-on testing and real-world experience. Each glove has been worn, stretched, and swung with to ensure it meets the highest standards of excellence.

So, if you’re ready to upgrade your golf gear and improve your performance on the course, read on to discover the best golf gloves of 2024. Let’s find the perfect fit for your game and ensure every swing is your best swing.

Overall Pick


When it comes to golf gloves, Asher stands out with their impeccable craftsmanship and dedication to quality. Asher golf gloves, made from a single piece of AAA Cabretta leather, are a prime example of this commitment. This material is renowned for its softness, durability, and superior feel, providing golfers with a glove that not only looks great but performs exceptionally well on the course.

One of the standout features of Asher golf gloves is their premium quality and sophisticated style. From the moment you slip one on, you’ll notice the attention to detail that goes into every stitch. The glove exudes a sleek, polished look that complements any golfer’s attire, whether you’re teeing off in a casual round with friends or competing in a high-stakes tournament. This blend of form and function ensures you’ll look the part while benefiting from top-tier performance.

Durability is another area where Asher golf gloves excel. Thanks to the single piece of AAA Cabretta leather, these gloves can last about a thousand swings before they show any signs of wear. This longevity means you can trust your Asher glove to provide consistent performance over multiple rounds, offering excellent value for your investment. The durability doesn’t come at the expense of comfort, either; the leather remains supple and responsive, giving you the best of both worlds.

Fit is crucial for any golf glove, and Asher has nailed it with a design that offers a good fit width-wise. This ensures that the glove hugs your hand snugly, providing a secure grip on the club without feeling restrictive. The fit is comfortable and adaptive, allowing for natural hand movements while maintaining a firm connection to the club. This balance is essential for executing precise shots and maintaining control throughout your swing.

In addition to their standard offerings, Asher also provides custom options for those looking to add a personal touch to their golf gear. Whether you want to incorporate your favorite colors, initials, or unique designs, Asher can accommodate your preferences, making your glove truly one-of-a-kind. This customization allows golfers to express their individual style while still benefiting from the high-quality materials and construction that Asher is known for.

In summary, Asher golf gloves combine premium materials, sophisticated style, and exceptional durability to offer golfers a superior product. With their comfortable fit and custom options, these gloves are an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their game and look good doing it. If you’re in the market for a new golf glove, Asher’s AAA Cabretta leather gloves are a standout option that delivers on every front.


  • Exceptional Quality
  • Great fit
  • Durability


  • On the expensive end
  • Only the core colors are offered year-round


FootJoy Pure Touch Limited

FootJoy’s Pure Touch Limited stands out as a top choice for discerning golfers. Crafted from the finest Cabretta leather, these gloves are designed to offer the ultimate feel and a tailored fit that seems custom-made for your hand. Each glove molds to the unique contours of your hand, ensuring a snug, comfortable fit that enhances your grip and control over the club.

The exceptional feel of the FootJoy Pure Touch Limited golf glove is immediately noticeable. The Cabretta leather is soft and supple, providing a direct, responsive connection to the club. This heightened tactile feedback can significantly improve your precision and confidence during your swing, allowing for more controlled and accurate shots. The premium leather ensures that every movement is felt, giving you unparalleled control over your game.

Fit is a critical aspect of any golf glove, and FootJoy excels in this area with the Pure Touch Limited. The glove is designed to offer a tailored fit, adapting to the shape of your hand as you wear it. This custom-like fit means the glove moves seamlessly with your hand, reducing distractions and discomfort during play. Whether you’re teeing off or making a delicate putt, the glove’s fit enhances your performance by ensuring a consistent, secure grip.

Breathability is another standout feature of the FootJoy Pure Touch Limited golf glove. Despite its luxurious feel, the Cabretta leather is also breathable, helping to keep your hand cool and dry throughout your round. This is especially beneficial on hot days when sweat can become an issue. The breathable design ensures that your hand remains comfortable, allowing you to focus entirely on your game without the distraction of a slippery grip.

However, it’s worth noting that the premium Cabretta leather in the Pure Touch Limited glove does tend to wear faster in the palm area compared to other materials. This is a trade-off for the exceptional feel and comfort that the glove provides. While regular golfers may notice wear more quickly, the superior performance and benefits often outweigh this drawback.

The FootJoy Pure Touch Limited golf glove is an excellent choice for golfers seeking the ultimate feel, tailored fit, and breathable comfort. While the palm may show signs of wear sooner than other gloves, the enhanced performance and luxurious comfort make it a worthwhile investment for serious golfers. If you’re looking for a glove that fits like a second skin and keeps your hand cool, the Pure Touch Limited is an outstanding option.


  • Best overall fit
  • Fantastic feel
  • Breathable


  • Not as durable
  • The most expensive

3rd Overall

MG Golf Dyna Grip Elite

When it comes to choosing the perfect golf glove, the MG Dyna Grip Elite is a standout option that combines quality, performance, and durability. Crafted from premium Cabretta leather, this glove offers golfers a superior feel and excellent grip, enhancing every aspect of their game. The Cabretta leather is renowned for its softness and suppleness, providing a comfortable and responsive connection to the club that can significantly improve your control and precision.

One of the unique features of the MG Dyna Grip Elite golf glove is its elastic knuckle hinge. This innovative design element allows for greater flexibility and range of motion, ensuring that the glove moves naturally with your hand during every swing. The elastic hinge reduces tension and pressure on your knuckles, enhancing comfort and allowing for a more fluid and unrestricted swing. This feature is particularly beneficial for golfers who want to maintain a relaxed grip and improve their swing mechanics.

Durability is a key consideration for any golf glove, and the MG Dyna Grip Elite does not disappoint. Despite being a thinner glove, which provides an excellent feel and feedback, it is designed to be long-lasting. The high-quality Cabretta leather is resilient and can withstand the rigors of regular use, making it a reliable choice for golfers who play frequently. Additionally, MG offers a 60-day guarantee on the Dyna Grip Elite, giving you peace of mind and confidence in your purchase. This guarantee is a testament to the glove’s durability and the company’s commitment to quality.

The MG Dyna Grip Elite golf glove is an excellent choice for golfers seeking a blend of comfort, performance, and durability. The premium Cabretta leather provides a soft, responsive feel, while the elastic knuckle hinge enhances flexibility and comfort. Despite being a thinner glove, it is built to last, backed by a 60-day guarantee. Whether you’re a casual player or a dedicated golfer, the MG Dyna Grip Elite offers the quality and performance you need to elevate your game. If you’re looking for a glove that delivers exceptional feel, fit, and longevity, the Dyna Grip Elite is a top contender.


  • 60-day guarantee
  • On-line size chart
  • Least expensive $ 7.50


  • Thinner leather
  • Not as breathable

4th Overall

Titleist Players

The Titleist Players golf glove is a top choice for golfers seeking a balance of quality, comfort, and performance. Made from premium Cabretta leather, this glove delivers a durable yet exceptionally soft feel that enhances your grip and overall game experience.

From the first wear, you’ll notice how it conforms to your hand, providing a snug, almost custom fit. This soft feel ensures comfort throughout your round, reducing fatigue and allowing you to maintain a secure grip on the club.

The glove’s grip is one of its standout features. The high-quality leather offers a tacky texture, giving you confidence in your hold, even in varying conditions. This reliable grip can significantly improve your control and precision, especially during those crucial shots where stability is key.

Durability is another strong point of the Titleist Players glove. Despite its thin and soft construction, it is designed to withstand the demands of regular play. However, it’s important to note that this glove tends to wear out more quickly when used extensively on the range. The constant stress and friction from repeated swings can lead to premature wear, making it better suited for on-course play rather than long practice sessions.

One limitation of the Titleist Players glove is its lack of waterproofing. In wet conditions, the glove can absorb moisture, which may affect its performance and lifespan. This makes it less ideal for rainy days or early-morning rounds with heavy dew.

The Titleist Players golf glove offers a blend of soft feel, excellent grip, and reasonable durability. While it may wear too quickly for extensive range use and lacks waterproofing, its superior performance on the course makes it a valuable addition to any golfer’s gear. If you prioritize feel and grip in your golf glove, the Titleist Players glove is a great choice.


  • Good Feel
  • Great Grip


  • Not Waterproof
  • Lacks durability on the range

5th Pick


The G/Fore golf glove is a standout option for golfers who prioritize style, comfort, and performance on the course. Made from premium AA Cabretta leather, this glove provides an incredibly soft feel, ensuring a comfortable fit that molds perfectly to your hand.

One of the most appealing aspects of G/Fore golf gloves is the wide array of color choices available. Whether you prefer classic white or bold, vibrant hues, G/Fore offers options to match any golfer’s personal style. This variety allows you to express yourself and add a touch of flair to your golfing attire.

In terms of performance, the G/Fore golf glove delivers an excellent grip. The high-quality leather offers a tacky, secure hold on the club, enhancing control and precision throughout your swing. This reliable grip can significantly improve your confidence and performance on the course, making every shot feel more controlled and accurate.

One consideration to keep in mind is the glove’s durability. While the AA Cabretta leather provides a fantastic feel and great grip, it tends to wear out more quickly than all the other gloves tested. Frequent use, especially during intensive practice sessions or on the driving range, can lead to premature wear and tear. If longevity is a critical factor for you, this may be a drawback.

That said, if you value feel and style over durability, the G/Fore golf glove is an excellent choice. Its premium materials and stylish design make it ideal for golfers who play occasional rounds or want to look sharp during important games.

The G/Fore golf glove offers a blend of soft feel, excellent grip, and stylish color choices. If you’re willing to trade some durability for these benefits, this glove will enhance your game and make a bold statement on the course.


  • Soft feel
  • Great grip


  • Wears Quickly
  • Doesn’t Perform well in wet conditions

In wrapping up our review of the best golf gloves of 2024, it’s clear that choosing the right glove can make a significant difference in your game. After testing 15 different models, we’ve narrowed it down to the top four gloves that truly stand out in terms of performance, comfort, and overall value.

Each of these top picks excels in different areas, catering to various needs and preferences. Whether you prioritize the luxurious feel of Cabretta leather, exceptional durability, or a stylish look, there’s a glove here that fits your requirements. For those who value a glove that offers both top-notch grip and a custom-like fit, you’ll find our selections deliver on these fronts. They provide a secure hold, excellent tactile feedback, and the comfort you need to play your best.

While no glove is perfect, and each has its trade-offs—such as varying degrees of durability or specific features like waterproofing—our top choices have been rigorously tested to ensure they meet high standards. From gloves that provide a classic, soft feel to those that excel in breathability and style, these recommendations are based on real-world performance and extensive hands-on testing.

Investing in one of these top-rated gloves means you’re equipping yourself with gear that enhances your game and provides the comfort and confidence you need on the course. Each glove offers unique benefits, so consider your personal preferences and playing conditions when making your choice.

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The Ultimate Guide to the Top 10 Deer Hunting Scopes https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-the-top-10-deer-hunting-scopes/ https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-the-top-10-deer-hunting-scopes/#respond Tue, 12 Sep 2023 20:10:29 +0000 https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/?p=838 The everything you need to know guide to the top 10 deer hunting scopes Deer hunting is a pursuit that demands precision, patience, and the right equipment. Among the key elements of your hunting gear, a high-quality scope can be the game-changer that elevates your hunting experience. To assist you in finding the perfect optics […]

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The everything you need to know guide to the top 10 deer hunting scopes


Deer hunting is a pursuit that demands precision, patience, and the right equipment. Among the key elements of your hunting gear, a high-quality scope can be the game-changer that elevates your hunting experience. To assist you in finding the perfect optics for your deer hunting adventures, we’ve put together a comprehensive review of the top 10 best deer hunting scopes on the market. Whether you’re an experienced hunter or just starting out, this guide will help you make an informed choice.




Magnification: 3-9x

Objective Lens Diameter: 40mm

Reticle: Illuminated

Price: $$$


  • Illuminated reticle for low-light conditions. 
  • Versatile 3-9x magnification range.
  • Excellent value for the features offered.


  • Some users report a learning curve with the illumination settings.
The Bushnell PRIME 3-9X40 is an ideal choice for deer hunting in varying light conditions. Its illuminated reticle ensures you maintain a clear sight picture during those critical dawn and dusk hours when deer are most active. With a versatile 3-9x magnification range, you can seamlessly transition from close encounters to long-range shots.

2. Burris Droptine 4.5-14×42 Rifle Scope

Magnification: 4.5-14x
Objective Lens Diameter: 42mm
Reticle: Ballistic Plex
Price: $$$$


  • Durable construction designed to withstand the elements.
  • The Ballistic Plex reticle aids in long-range accuracy.
  • Versatile magnification range suitable for various hunting scenarios.


  • Higher price point compared to some competitors.
The Burris Droptine 4.5-14×42 rifle scope is built to endure the rigors of the great outdoors. Its Ballistic Plex reticle is a boon for long-range shooters, providing holdover points for precise shots. This scope’s magnification range from 4.5x to 14x makes it versatile for hunting in diverse terrains and conditions.

3. Leupold Patrol 6HD 1-6×24

Magnification: 1-6x
Objective Lens Diameter: 24mm
Reticle: Duplex
Price: $$$$


  • Quick target acquisition with 1-6x magnification.
  • Legendary Leupold quality and clarity.
  • Durable construction built to withstand harsh conditions.


  • Limited magnification range for extreme long-range shots.
The Leupold Patrol 6HD 1-6×24 scope is designed for hunters who value quick target acquisition and exceptional clarity. With a magnification range from 1x for close encounters to 6x for mid-range shots, it’s perfect for deer hunting in thick forests and open fields alike.

4. Zeiss Conquest V4 Rifle Scope 30mm Tube 4-16x 44mm

Magnification: 4-16x
Objective Lens Diameter: 44mm
Reticle: Multiple Options
Price: $$$$$


  • Outstanding optical quality from Zeiss.
  • Wide magnification range (4-16x) for versatility.
  • Multiple reticle options to suit your preferences.
  • Higher price point compared to some competitors.
Zeiss is synonymous with optical excellence, and the Conquest V4 lives up to that reputation. This scope offers exceptional clarity and brightness, allowing you to spot deer even in challenging lighting conditions. With a 4-16x magnification range, it’s a versatile choice for hunters who need flexibility in their optics.

5. Vortex Diamondback Rifle Scope

Magnification: Various options available
Objective Lens Diameter: Various options available
Reticle: Multiple Options
Price: $$


  • Exceptional quality and reliability from Vortex.
  • Multiple magnification and objective lens diameter options.
  • Clear glass and durable construction.


  • Some models may not have the advanced features of higher-end scopes.
The Vortex Diamondback series offers quality and reliability at an affordable price point. With multiple options for magnification and objective lens diameter, you can choose the configuration that best suits your deer hunting needs. Whether you prefer a simpler reticle or an advanced BDC reticle, Vortex has you covered.

6. Simmons Truplex 3-9×40

Magnification: 3-9x
Objective Lens Diameter: 40mm
Reticle: Truplex
Price: $


  • Budget-friendly option without sacrificing quality.
  • Straightforward Truplex reticle for ease of use.
  • Clear optics for the price range.


  • May lack some advanced features found in higher-end scopes.
If you’re looking for an affordable yet reliable deer hunting scope, the Simmons Truplex 3-9×40 is an excellent choice. Its simple and effective Truplex reticle makes target acquisition easy, and the optics deliver clear images without breaking the bank.

7. Riton X3 Primal 3-15×44

Magnification: 3-15x
Objective Lens Diameter: 44mm
Reticle: Illuminated
Price: $$$


  • Illuminated reticle for low-light hunting.
  • Versatile 3-15x magnification range.
  • Rugged construction designed for the field.


  • Some users may find the illuminated reticle settings complex.
The Riton X3 Primal 3-15×44 is built to handle the challenges of deer hunting. Its illuminated reticle ensures you maintain a clear sight picture during low-light hours. With a magnification range from 3x for close encounters to 15x for long-range shots, it offers versatility in various hunting scenarios.

8. Hawke Vantage 30 WA IR 2.5-10×50

Magnification: 2.5-10x
Objective Lens Diameter: 50mm
Reticle: Multiple Options
Price: $$


  • Wide-angle optics for a larger field of view.
  • 50mm objective lens for excellent light transmission.
  • Multiple reticle options to suit your preferences.


  • Some users may find the wide-angle view takes getting used to.
The Hawke Vantage 30 WA IR 2.5-10×50 scope provides a wide-angle view, making it easier to spot deer in your peripheral vision. Its 50mm objective lens ensures excellent light transmission for bright and clear images, even in low-light conditions.

9. Steiner Predator 4 Rifle Scope

Magnification: 4x
Objective Lens Diameter: 24mm
Reticle: Multiple Options
Price: $$$$


  • Designed for fast-moving game, making it ideal for deer hunting.
  • Clear glass and rugged construction.
  • Multiple reticle options to suit your preferences.


  • Limited to 4x magnification, suitable for close-quarters hunting.
The Steiner Predator 4 Rifle Scope is tailor-made for hunters targeting fast-moving game like deer. Its 4x magnification provides a wide field of view, making it perfect for close-quarters hunting scenarios in dense forests.

10. Athlon Optics Argos BTR Gen II

Magnification: 3-15x
Objective Lens Diameter: Various options available
Reticle: Multiple Options
Price: $$$


  • Versatile 3-15x magnification range.
  • Multiple objective lens diameter options.
  • Choice of reticles to match your preferences.


  • May lack some advanced features found in higher-end scopes.
The Athlon Optics Argos BTR Gen II offers a balance of versatility and affordability. With a magnification range from 3x for close encounters to 15x for long-range shots, it adapts to various hunting situations. You can also choose from multiple objective lens diameter options and reticle styles.


Selecting the best deer hunting scope is a crucial decision for any hunter. Each of the scopes on this list offers unique features and benefits to enhance your hunting experience. Whether you’re looking for a budget-friendly option like the Simmons Truplex or seeking top-tier optics like the Zeiss Conquest V4, there’s a scope to suit your preferences and budget.
Before making your final choice, consider factors such as magnification range, reticle type, durability, and your specific hunting needs. Investing in the right scope can significantly increase your chances of a successful and memorable deer hunting season. So, gear up, choose your perfect optics, and head into the woods with confidence—those elusive deer won’t stand a chance against your precision and clarity.

The post The Ultimate Guide to the Top 10 Deer Hunting Scopes appeared first on Big Man Sports and Outdoors.

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Climbing Tree Stand: The Ultimate Guide On How to Not make The Wrong Choice https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/climbing-tree-stand-the-ultimate-guide-on-how-to-not-make-the-wrong-choice/ https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/climbing-tree-stand-the-ultimate-guide-on-how-to-not-make-the-wrong-choice/#respond Mon, 11 Sep 2023 00:20:28 +0000 https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/?p=788 Climbing Tree Stands: The ultimate guide on how not to make the wrong choice FOR YOU If you’re an avid hunter, then you know that the key to a successful hunting trip is finding the perfect spot to set up your stand. However, sometimes the best spots are located in areas that are difficult to […]

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Climbing Tree Stands: The ultimate guide on how not to make the wrong choice FOR YOU

If you’re an avid hunter, then you know that the key to a successful hunting trip is finding the perfect spot to set up your stand. However, sometimes the best spots are located in areas that are difficult to access, such as dense forests or steep hillsides. This is where a climbing tree stand comes in handy.

A climbing tree stand allows you to easily and safely attach yourself to a tree and climb up to the perfect height for hunting. With a climbing tree stand, you can set up in any suitable tree in just a matter of minutes, giving you the flexibility to hunt in even the most remote locations. Plus, climbing tree stands are portable, so you can easily move to a new location if you’re not having any luck in your current spot.

But with so many climbing tree stands on the market, how do you know which one to choose? In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best climbing tree stands available in 2023, as well as what to look for when choosing a climbing tree stand. Whether you’re a seasoned hunter or a beginner, this guide will help you find the perfect climbing tree stand for your needs.

Understanding Climbing Tree Stands

If you’re a hunter, you know the importance of having the right equipment. One of the most important pieces of equipment for any hunter is the climbing tree stand. Climbing tree stands are designed to help you get up into the trees quickly and easily, without having to use ropes or ladders.

How Climbing Tree Stands Work

Climbing tree stands consist of two main parts: the platform and the seat. The platform is designed to be attached to the tree trunk, while the seat is used to support your weight. The two parts are connected by a set of climbing bars or chains that allow you to move up and down the tree.

To use a climbing tree stand, you’ll need to find a tree with a straight trunk that is at least 8 inches in diameter. You’ll then attach the platform to the tree, using a set of straps or cables. Once the platform is secure, you can climb up to the desired height using the climbing bars or chains.

Most climbing tree stands are designed to face the tree, which allows you to hide behind the trunk and stay out of sight of your prey. This design also helps to distribute your weight evenly across the tree, which reduces the risk of the stand slipping or tipping over.

Types of Climbing Tree Stands

There are two main types of climbing tree stands: climbers and climbing stands that face the tree. Climbers are designed to be used on trees with straight trunks, while climbing stands that face the tree can be used on trees with crooked or irregular trunks.

Climbers are lightweight and easy to transport, making them a popular choice for hunters who need to move quickly and quietly through the woods. They are also relatively easy to set up and take down, which makes them a good choice for hunters who like to change locations frequently.

Climbing stands that face the tree are designed to be more stable and secure than climbers. They are also more comfortable, with padded seats and backrests that provide extra support and cushioning. However, they can be heavier and more difficult to transport than climbers, which makes them a better choice for hunters who plan to stay in one location for an extended period of time.

Overall, climbing tree stands are an essential piece of equipment for any hunter who wants to stay safe and comfortable while hunting in the trees. With the right stand and a little bit of practice, you can quickly and easily get up into the trees and start hunting like a pro.

Types of Climbing Tree Stands

When it comes to climbing tree stands, there are two main types: climbing stands that face the tree and climbing tree stands that are lightweight.

Climbing Stands that Face the Tree

Climbing stands that face the tree are also known as “hang-on” stands. These types of stands require a bit more effort to set up, but once you’re up in the tree, you’ll have a clear view in all directions. These stands are also more stable and can support more weight than other types of climbing stands.

One downside to climbing stands that face the tree is that they require a bit more skill to set up than other types of stands. You’ll need to find a suitable tree with a straight trunk and no branches in the way. You’ll also need to make sure that the stand is securely attached to the tree before you climb up.

Climbing Tree Stands that are Lightweight

Climbing tree stands that are lightweight are also known as “climbing sticks.” These types of stands are much easier to set up than climbing stands that face the tree. They consist of a set of lightweight aluminum sticks that you attach to the tree as you climb up.

One advantage of climbing tree stands that are lightweight is that they’re much easier to carry into the woods. They’re also more versatile than other types of stands, as you can set them up on almost any tree.

One downside to climbing tree stands that are lightweight is that they can be a bit less stable than other types of stands. You’ll need to be careful when you’re climbing up, as the sticks can shift or slip if you’re not careful.

Overall, the type of climbing tree stand you choose will depend on your personal preference and the type of hunting you plan to do. If you’re looking for a stable, versatile stand that you can set up on almost any tree, a climbing tree stand that is lightweight may be the best choice for you. If you’re looking for a stand that will give you a clear view in all directions and can support more weight, a climbing stand that faces the tree may be the better option.

Climbing Tree Stands for Beginners

If you’re new to hunting, you might be wondering what climbing tree stands are and why you might need one. Climbing tree stands are a type of hunting stand that allows you to climb a tree and sit or stand at an elevated position while hunting. They are a great tool for hunters who want to get a better view of their surroundings and increase their chances of spotting game.

When it comes to choosing a climbing tree stand, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll want to consider the weight limit of the stand. Make sure the stand you choose can support your weight and any gear you may be carrying. Second, you’ll want to think about the type of terrain you’ll be hunting in. Some stands are better suited for flat ground, while others are designed for use on hills or uneven terrain.

For beginners, we recommend starting with a basic climbing tree stand that is easy to use and adjust. Look for a stand with a comfortable seat and backrest, as you may be spending several hours in the stand at a time. It’s also a good idea to choose a stand with a safety harness or other safety features to keep you secure while climbing and sitting in the stand.

Here are a few climbing tree stands for beginners that we recommend:

Climbing Tree StandFeatures
Ol’ Man Alumalite CTSLightweight, easy to pack, comfortable seat
Summit Viper SDQuiet, comfortable, safety harness included
X-Stand Deluxe Aluminum Climbing Tree StandLightweight, adjustable seat and platform, safety harness included

Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when setting up and using your climbing tree stand, and practice using it before heading out into the field. With a little practice and the right gear, you’ll be ready to take your hunting game to the next level with a climbing tree stand.

High Capacity Climbing Tree Stands

If you’re a big guy or you like to carry a lot of gear with you while hunting, you need a high capacity climbing tree stand. These stands are designed to support more weight than the average stand, so you can climb safely and comfortably while carrying all your gear. Here are some of the best high capacity climbing tree stands on the market today:

  • Summit Titan SD: With a weight capacity of 350 lbs, the Summit Titan SD is a great choice for big guys. It features a comfortable seat and backrest, as well as a spacious platform for standing shots. The stand is also very stable and easy to set up, thanks to its QuickDraw cable system.

  • Lone Wolf Custom Gear .5 “Public Land Stand”: Another great option for big guys, the Lone Wolf Custom Gear .5 “Public Land Stand” has a weight capacity of 350 lbs. It’s also very lightweight and easy to pack, making it a great choice for mobile hunters. The stand features a comfortable seat and platform, as well as a built-in bow holder.

  • Ol’ Man Alumalite CTS: Although it has a slightly lower weight capacity of 300 lbs, the Ol’ Man Alumalite CTS is still a great choice for big guys. It’s very lightweight and easy to pack, and it features a comfortable seat and platform. The stand also has a unique pivoting spreader arm that makes it easy to set up on crooked trees.

  • XOP Ambush XL: With a weight capacity of 350 lbs, the XOP Ambush XL is another great option for big guys. It features a comfortable seat and platform, as well as a built-in bow holder and accessory hooks. The stand is also very lightweight and easy to pack.

When choosing a high capacity climbing tree stand, it’s important to consider not only the weight capacity but also the comfort and stability of the stand. Look for stands with comfortable seats and platforms, as well as sturdy construction and easy-to-use features. By choosing the right high capacity climbing tree stand, you can climb safely and comfortably while carrying all your gear.

Choosing Lightweight Climbing Tree Stands

When it comes to choosing a climbing tree stand, weight is an important factor to consider. A lightweight climbing tree stand can be easier to carry and maneuver, making it a great choice for hunters who need to move around frequently. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing a lightweight climbing tree stand:

Weight Capacity

While you want a lightweight tree stand, you also need to make sure it can support your weight. Be sure to check the weight capacity of any climbing tree stand you are considering. You want to make sure the stand can support both your weight and the weight of your gear.


The material the climbing tree stand is made of can affect its weight. Aluminum is a popular choice for lightweight tree stands, as it is both strong and lightweight. However, some tree stands may be made of other materials, such as steel or carbon fiber.


While weight is important, you also want to make sure the climbing tree stand is comfortable to use. Look for a stand with a comfortable seat and backrest. Some stands may also have padded armrests or footrests for added comfort.


Consider what features you need in a climbing tree stand. Some stands may have a built-in bow holder or gun rest, which can be useful for hunters. Others may have backpack straps or be designed to fold up for easy transport.

Brand and Price

Finally, consider the brand and price of the climbing tree stand. While you don’t want to skimp on quality, you also don’t want to overspend. Look for a reputable brand with positive reviews and a fair price.

Overall, when choosing a lightweight climbing tree stand, it’s important to consider weight capacity, material, comfort, features, brand, and price. By keeping these factors in mind, you can find a climbing tree stand that is both lightweight and functional for your hunting needs.


In conclusion, a climbing tree stand can be an excellent investment for any hunter looking to elevate their game. With the ability to set up on any suitable tree in a matter of minutes, you can easily get mobile and hunt tucked-away spots that are too far from the trail for a ladder stand to be a feasible option.

When choosing a climbing tree stand, it’s important to consider key factors such as weight, comfort, and ease of use. Look for a stand that is lightweight and easy to carry, yet sturdy enough to hold your weight and provide stability. Consider the comfort of the seat and platform, as you may be spending hours in the stand waiting for the perfect shot.

Additionally, think about the type of hunting you’ll be doing and choose a stand that fits your needs. If you’re hunting in an area with a lot of trees, a hang-on stand may be a better option than a climbing tree stand. If you’re hunting in an area with fewer trees, a climbing tree stand may be the way to go.


Overall, a climbing tree stand can provide you with the security and comfort required to safely and effectively hunt. Take the time to research and choose the right stand for your needs, and you’ll be well on your way to a successful hunting season.

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Top Crappie Rods for Effective Longline Trolling: Expert Recommendations https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/top-crappie-rods-for-effective-longline-trolling-expert-recommendations/ https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/top-crappie-rods-for-effective-longline-trolling-expert-recommendations/#respond Wed, 30 Aug 2023 14:35:09 +0000 https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/?p=722 Welcome to the ultimate guide for all crappie anglers seeking to elevate their longline trolling game! When it comes to mastering the art of longline trolling, selecting the right rod is the foundational key to success. The sport of crappie fishing has grown exponentially, and the days of picking up an all-around “panfish” rod are […]

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Welcome to the ultimate guide for all crappie anglers seeking to elevate their longline trolling game! When it comes to mastering the art of longline trolling, selecting the right rod is the foundational key to success. The sport of crappie fishing has grown exponentially, and the days of picking up an all-around “panfish” rod are no more. We understand your challenges in navigating the sea of options and recommendations. That’s why we’ve compiled a resource – a definitive breakdown of the top crappie rods tailored for longline trolling.

This guide provides specific and detailed advice tailored to your individual needs. We focus on the unique features that distinguish each fishing rod. Our recommendations are valuable for both experienced and novice anglers seeking to improve their skills and catch more crappie. By following our expert guidance, you can make informed choices and achieve excellent results on the water.

We have personal experience with each rod and have tested each rod’s durability, functionality, price point, and customer service.

B&M Poles Capps and Coleman Series Trolling Rods

Everyone in the crappie fishing world knows who Ronnie Capps and Steve Coleman are. They’ve won many crappie tournament national championships. They have been with B&M for many years and for them to put their name on a product it would have to be quality.


  • Lenght: 12’(2pcs), 14(3 pcs)’, and 16’(3pcs)
  • Action: Light
  • Material: Graphite
  • Warranty: One year 
  • Bell-Shaped Handle Construction
  • Price: 12’($56.95) 14’($59.95) 16’($72.95)
  • Hi-Vis Tip

The light action of the rod allows a lot of bend on the hook up without pulling the hook out of the fish’s mouth. The Capps and Coleman crappie rods are perfect for trolling jigs but have a little more bend than I like pulling crankbait. They are lightweight and comfortable in the hand. I was surprised at how light the 16’ rod was compared to other manufacturers. The only downside I have with this rod is the amount of bend when boat flipping those 1.5-2lbs fish. Other than that it’s a good rod. It’s hard to beat the customer service with B&M. They have friendly knowledgeable staff that can point you in the right direction for any of their line of poles.

ACC Crappie Stix

ACC is relatively new to the crappie fishing world, but their product is top quality. They make rods for all crappie fishing techniques. They also make the casting rod I’m currently using and it’s one of, if not the best, casting rod I’ve owned. Their trolling rods are no less impressive.


  • Length: 14’ and 16’(both are 3 pcs)
  • Action: Medium With a Fast Tip
  • Material: Graphite
  • Warranty: 6 months
  • Price: 14’($76.99) 16’($76.99)
  • Weight: 14’(7.8 Ounces), 16’ (9.9 Ounces)
  • Foam Handle Construction
  • Stainless Steel Guides

The backbone of these are the strongest I’ve used when it comes to fishing rods for crappie. I wouldn’t hesitate to flip a 2lb fish into the boat. I’m also a fan of the stainless steel eyes. If you use a braided line this is a must for me. The only criticism I have is that they only come in two lengths. This leads me to believe that they were originally meant for spider rigging.

Jenko Spider Troll Trolling Rods

When it comes to quality and performance, few names stand out like Jenko Crappie Rods. This is the first time I’ve delved into the world of Jenko rods. Their rod lengths are similar to most manufacturers so I was interested to find out what Jenko crappie rods bring to the table. 


  • Length: 12’(2pcs), 14’(3pcs), 16’(3pcs)
  • Action: N/A
  • Material: Graphite
  • Warranty: 1 Year
  • Price: 12’($55.99), 14’($66.99), 16’($77.99)
  • Weight: 12’(8 Ounces), 14’(8 .9 Ounces), 16’(9.4 Ounces)
  • Stainless Steel Guides
  • Foam Handle Construction

The performance of the Spider Troll was impressive. It has the power to put a slab crappie in the boat with ease. It also has the backbone to pull crankbaits with not much bend. The prices are comparable with some other manufacturers, but the quality and performance are better.

Southern Crappie Rods

Southern Crappie Rods have specialized in trolling rods for years. They’re the rods I am currently using, and I couldn’t be more pleased with them. The rod lengths they offer are by far the most available of all the manufacturers. 


  • Length: 6’(1 pcs)’, 8’, 9’ 10’(2pcs) 12’ 14’, and 16’(3 pcs)
  • Action: Medium
  • Material: 6’, 8’, 10’(Kevlar) 12’, 14’ 16’(Kevlar/ Carbon Fiber)
  • Warranty: 6 Months
  • Price: 6’, 8, & 9’’($44.95) 10’($50.00) 12’($54.00) 14’($59.00) 16’($65.00)
  • Stainless Guides
  • 6’, 8’, 9’ 10’(Cork Handle) 12’, 14’, 16’(EVA Foam Handle)

I would have to say this is my front-runner of all the rods that we tested. The material is superior and the wide array of rod lengths set Souther Crappie Rods apart. The rods are strong and sensitive if you want to use them as a jigging pole. If I had to find something negative it would be the warranty. I would like to see it for at least a year but you won’t have to send it back for a manufacturer issue.

In the pursuit of crappie fishing perfection, the right rod can make all the difference. We’ve walked through a selection of top-tier crappie rods, each designed to elevate your fishing experience. From the sensitivity of the tip to the strength of the backbone, these rods have been meticulously crafted to meet the unique demands of crappie fishing. Remember, the perfect rod is an extension of your skills, a partner in your quest for that 3lber. So, invest in a crappie rod that aligns with your style, and get ready to create memories on the water that will last a lifetime.

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The 2023 Ultimate Guide to Crappie Trolling Rods https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/the-2023-ultimate-guide-to-crappie-trolling-rods/ https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/the-2023-ultimate-guide-to-crappie-trolling-rods/#respond Sun, 27 Aug 2023 20:29:48 +0000 https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/?p=710 How Are Crappie Trolling Rods Different From Other Crappie Rods? Crappie fishing has long captured the imagination of anglers with its mix of challenge and satisfaction. Within this pursuit, the choice of fishing rod can greatly influence one’s success. Two primary categories often emerge in discussions: What is the difference betweenHowever, there are also other […]

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How Are Crappie Trolling Rods Different From Other Crappie Rods?

Crappie fishing has long captured the imagination of anglers with its mix of challenge and satisfaction. Within this pursuit, the choice of fishing rod can greatly influence one’s success. Two primary categories often emerge in discussions: What is the difference betweenHowever, there are also other types of rods for catching crappie that offer a range of options, including spinning and jigging rods. These rods are typically shorter and more sensitive than trolling rods, which helps with accuracy and control when casting near specific structures like docks or submerged vegetation where crappie tend to gather. The increased sensitivity also helps detect even the slightest bites, which gives anglers a better chance of catching the fish quickly. crappie trolling rods and other crappie rods? Understanding the differences between these two types is essential to maximize your efficiency on the water.

Crappie trolling rods are specifically designed for a technique known as trolling, where anglers use a boat to pull lures or bait through the water to entice bites. These rods tend to be longer and more flexible than other crappie rods. The length helps spread out multiple lines and allows for more extensive coverage of the water. Additionally, the flexibility of trolling rods enables them to absorb the shocks and pulls generated by the trolling process, preventing hooks from tearing free and increasing the chances of successful hooksets.

However, there are also other types of rods for catching crappie that offer a range of options, including casting, dock shooting and jigging rods. These rods are typically shorter and more sensitive than trolling rods, which helps with accuracy and control when casting near specific structures like docks or submerged vegetation where crappie tend to gather. The increased sensitivity also helps detect even the slightest bites, which gives you a better chance of catching the fish quickly. 

When choosing a fishing rod, consider the action of the rod. Trolling rods have a slower action and bend consistently when pressure is applied, which is ideal for steady pulling. On the other hand, crappie rods may have a faster action and bend more towards the tip, which is useful for quick and precise hooksets when vertically jigging or casting to specific targets.

The differences between crappie trolling rods and other crappie rods lie primarily in their intended techniques and associated characteristics. Trolling rods excel in covering larger areas of water and absorbing trolling-specific forces, while other crappie rods prioritize accuracy, sensitivity, and quick hooksets. Understanding these distinctions allows anglers to make informed choices when selecting their rods, optimizing their chances of a successful and fulfilling crappie fishing experience.

What is Most Important When Selecting a Trolling Rod?

Selecting the right crappie trolling rod is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact your trolling success. When choosing a crappie trolling rod, several crucial factors come into play.

First and foremost, consider the rod’s length. Longer rods, typically ranging from 10 to 18 feet, are preferred for trolling. The extended length allows for multiple lines to be spread out, covering a broader area of water and increasing your chances of finding schooling crappie. This wide coverage is especially useful when targeting suspended crappie at varying depths. You can use a variety of jig head weights to find where in the water column they are suspended.

Next, pay attention to the rod’s action. Trolling rods often have a moderate to slow action. This bending profile aids in absorbing the constant pressure during trolling, preventing the hooks from tearing free and ensuring a better hookup ratio. A slower action allows the rod to better indicate subtle strikes, enabling you to react quickly.

Strength and sensitivity are equally important considerations. Choose a rod with sufficient backbone to handle the weight of your trolling gear and the potential size of the fish. However, don’t sacrifice sensitivity. A sensitive rod will detect the faintest bites, even during the vibrations caused by trolling.

Additionally, assess the rod’s material and construction. Graphite rods are popular due to their lightness, responsiveness, and ability to detect bites. Reinforced guides and sturdy reel seats are essential to withstand the repetitive stress of trolling.

Handle comfort is often overlooked but crucial for extended periods on the water. A comfortable grip minimizes fatigue and improves your ability to control the rod.

Lastly, factor in your preferred trolling style and techniques. Different trolling techniques usually require specific features such as rod holders.

When selecting a crappie trolling rod, prioritize length, action, strength, sensitivity, construction, handle comfort, and compatibility with your preferred techniques. By carefully considering these factors, you can choose a rod that complements your trolling approach, enhances your angling experience, and ultimately increases your chances of a successful day on the water.

Crappie Trolling Rod and Reel Combo’s

In the previous section where rod selection is very important for successful trolling, the reel is much less important. I use theWhat Size Trolling Rod Do I Need for Crappie?

When I say size of the rod I’m talking about length. I mentioned earlier that crappie trolling rods typically come in lengths from 10 to 18 feet. However, I troll anywhere from 8 to 14 rods out of my boat, eight out of the back, and six out of the front when multiple people are with me. When I’m at full rod capacity I pull 6, 8, 10, and 12 foot rods out of the back and 14, 16, and 18 foot rods out of the front. That way i have 2ft of separation between each rod.

 The three longer rods can be a handful until you get used to the size, but they let you cover more water so they are worth the hassle in my opinion. Rod size really comes down to personal preference, so the perfect rod size for trolling is the one that is most comfortable for you.


In the world of crappie fishing, understanding trolling rods is a game-changer. With the insights provided in this ultimate guide to crappie trolling rods, you’re equipped to navigate the waters with confidence. Remember, it’s not just about the length, action, and sensitivity – it’s about understanding how these elements come together to optimize your trolling success. Whether you’re a seasoned troller or just starting your trolling for crappie journey, the right trolling rod can make all the difference. So, the best crappie trolling rod is the one that makes the experience enjoyable. I’ll have a review of the different rod manufacturers coming out soon. Oh, and don’t forget to take a kid fishing!

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How to Catch Summertime crappie https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/how-to-catch-summertime-crappie/ https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/how-to-catch-summertime-crappie/#respond Sun, 27 Aug 2023 18:11:06 +0000 https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/?p=17 Late summer, August-September can be a tough time of year to catch crappie, but if it were easy everyone would be out there, right? It’s also the time of year you pretty much have the lake to yourself. Kids are back in school, during the week of course, and it’s just too hot for the […]

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Late summer, August-September can be a tough time of year to catch crappie, but if it were easy everyone would be out there, right? It’s also the time of year you pretty much have the lake to yourself. Kids are back in school, during the week of course, and it’s just too hot for the average crappie fisherman to be on the water. This is where dedicated fishermen can separate themselves as anglers. With a little bit of information such as technique, time of day, water temperature, and bait selection we can be successful on those hot late summer days. As a disclaimer, this is not the only way to be productive on the water it’s just the way I do it.

Use Your Electronics

Most days I spend more time scanning with my thermocline in the lake you will need to factor that in as well. 

I will begin checking ledges, points, saddles, and creek channels for structure with sidescan. It can be brush, rocks, or laydowns, but mark everything you see, and I mean everything, with a waypoint. Your unit can save thousands of waypoints, so mark everything, turn around, and ride over it with your downscan to confirm if its structure holding fish. 

Crappie stack vertically, so look for small round dots that are vertically stacked in groups of 4 or more. 

Once you have determined the structure is holding fish, use a marker buoy to mark it.  

Techniques of the Trade  

Pulling Crank Baits For Crappie

Pulling crankbaits on those hot summer days is a fantastic way to trigger a bite from lethargic crappie. I go with the ACC Crappie Stix 18’ and 16’ trolling rods and the 13’ jigging rod. Although the jigging rod is intended for vertical jigging it has the backbone to pull the crankbaits. Typically, I pull six poles out of the back of my boat when fishing by myself. I like vicious 4lb mono with a 2oz inline sinker tied 18 to 24 inches from the crankbait. That allows me to get the bait down without having to let a ton of line out and I don’t like using planer boards. They are a lot of work and can get expensive if you lose them. 

I just fan my poles out and let the length of the pole separate the baits, and it has worked for me for the last 15 years. I don’t use line counter reels either, though it would probably be easier, I will pull up shallow and watch for the baits to dig the bottom and look at my electronics to see how deep I am. That lets me know how deep the baits are running. Normally I try to run them at 14 to 18ft to catch the fish that are suspended in open water on the creek channels and ledges but don’t ignore any brush you might see as well. 

Be ready to get hung and lose some baits, it’s just part of it. I like the Arkie 220 crankbaits they’re just as good as the Bandit but half the price.

Casting and Deadsticking 

Once I find the brush we discussed previously and mark it I begin to fan cast and let the jig fall and reel slowly. A 1/16oz jig will fall one foot per second, so just count until you get into the depth you saw the fish stacked in the brush. I use an ACC Crappie Stix 6’6” pole, 12lb reaction tackle braid, and a bonehead tackle stump bug when casting.  

Deadsticking is a little different in that the pole is twice as long and you drop the bait straight down as opposed to casting it. I like the ACC Crappie Stix 13’ pole in either the cork or winn grip, the 12lb reaction tackle braid, and the bonehead stump bug. I use the length of the pole to determine the depth by pulling off enough line to reach the bottom of the pole, I know that will be 13ft. I start with that and can go shallower or deeper depending on where the fish are in the water column. When dropping into the brush hold the jig as still as possible, too much movement can spook the fish. Move around the structure dropping for 10 seconds then move on.

Dock Shooting

When dock shooting it’s hard to beat the ACC Crappie Stix 6’ dock shooter. It’s a one-piece rod with a backbone and fast tip. I only use vicious 4lb mono hi-vis line when dock shooting. 

Braid doesn’t allow me to shoot as deep under the dock as mono. Again, I use a stump bug on a 1/16 or 1/32oz jig head. If I want a slower fall, I will use the 1/32oz. It’s important to use the hi-vis line, in most cases they will hit the bait on the downfall, and you need to be able to see the line jump. The technique for this style is to reel the bait up to the first eye past the reel, grab the hook with your thumb and forefinger, pull the bait to the end of the handle, and simultaneously let go of the hook and line, shooting the bait as far under the dock as possible. Then let the bait fall and begin to reel slowly. Work every angle of the dock you can. Dock shooting takes a lot of practice to get the hang of but once you do, it is one of the best ways to catch summertime crappie.

In the summer I like to fish first thing in the morning or in the evening when the sun is low. Fish can be caught in the middle of the day but not consistently in my opinion. I get miserable baking in the sun so I’m sure the fish feel the same way. Overcast days and dark water are also things to consider. 

I’m more productive on days with less sun, and darker water allows some relief from the sun for the fish. 

Another important thing to keep in mind is, don’t spend too long in one area. Even if you mark fish, it doesn’t mean they will bite. One thing is certain, there are active fish in that lake somewhere, you just have to be patient and find them.


Mastering the art of catching summertime crappie is rewarding and demands a mixed bag of knowledge, strategy, and adaptability. As the temperatures rise and the sun casts its warm glow on the waters, crappie behavior undergoes a shift that requires anglers to tailor their approach. Throughout the summer months, several key takeaways emerge to enhance your success on the water.

Understanding the nuances of crappie behavior during this season is paramount. As the fish move deeper to find cooler, more comfortable water temperatures, adjusting your gear and technique becomes essential. Opting for lighter lines, sensitive rods, and versatile reels allows you to feel even the subtlest nibble, translating into more successful hooksets.

Equally significant is the selection of baits that mimic the movement of their primary prey, such as small minnows and insects. While live bait remains effective, artificial lures like jigs and soft plastics, presented with a deliberate yet enticing motion, can be equally productive. Moreover, exploring the potential of weed beds, submerged structures, and drop-offs—crucial hiding spots for crappie seeking refuge from the heat—can lead to remarkable catches.

Patience, a hallmark of successful anglers, proves its worth during the summer. With crappie’s potentially sporadic feeding patterns, persistence and adaptability become valuable traits. Employing a mix of techniques, from slow retrieves to subtle twitches, can trigger strikes even from lethargic fish. Furthermore, keeping a keen eye on weather patterns, water clarity, and moon phases adds an extra layer of insight to your approach.

Engaging in the summertime pursuit of crappie requires a blend of scientific understanding and intuitive finesse. As the days stretch and the sun dances on the water’s surface, anglers armed with knowledge and a willingness to experiment can unlock the secrets to consistent catches. Remember, each fishing day offers a new lesson, a fresh opportunity to refine your approach and deepen your connection with these elusive and captivating fish. So, venture forth with determination, armed with your gear, your insights, and an unwavering enthusiasm for the thrill of summertime crappie fishing.

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Boot Insulation: How Much Is Enough https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/boot-insulation-how-much-is-enough/ https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/boot-insulation-how-much-is-enough/#respond Sun, 27 Aug 2023 03:55:13 +0000 https://bigmansportsandoutdoors.com/?p=701 When it comes to staying warm in cold weather, the right insulation can make all the difference. In the world of insulation materials, Thinsulate has emerged as a renowned name, synonymous with superior warmth, comfort, and versatility. Developed by the brand 3M, Thinsulate insulation is a game-changer in the realm of thermal protection. With a […]

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When it comes to staying warm in cold weather, the right insulation can make all the difference. In the world of insulation materials, Thinsulate has emerged as a renowned name, synonymous with superior warmth, comfort, and versatility. Developed by the brand 3M, Thinsulate insulation is a game-changer in the realm of thermal protection. With a unique design that prioritizes lightweight and efficient at holding warmth, Thinsulate has found its way into a wide range of products, from winter clothing to outdoor gear. Thinsulate insulation has revolutionized the way we stay warm and comfortable in cold environments. Whether you’re an outdoor enthusiast, a professional needing reliable gear, or someone seeking optimal warmth, Thinsulate’s innovative insulation technology is poised to reshape your cold weather experiences.

What is Thinsulate Insulation

Thinsulate is a lightweight product made of synthetic fibers, found mainly in clothing, gloves, and boots. Its ability to maintain its thermal properties even when wet makes it an excellent choice for boot insulation. Thinsulate is measured in grams and comes in weights anywhere from 200-2000 grams. But the question is, how much do we need to be comfortable while hunting? This depends on the elements such as temperature, elevation, humidity/moisture, and even sock thickness. Let’s look at some of the various weights and pair them with the situation that might arise.

200 Grams

A pair of boots with 200 grams of Thinsulate is designed to be used in cool weather with not much movement. They work best for me at temps around 50 degrees.  They can also be used in colder climates if you are planning to spot and stalk, without your feet becoming too hot. It just really depends on how active you’re going to be on the hunt.

400 Grams

In cooler weather where low to moderate movement is the case, 400 grams will be ideal. Once again, if you plan on stalking a deer, or what have you, in colder weather, you’ll be covered as far as warmth goes. If the temp drops below 40 degrees and you’re stationary you may want to go with heavier insulation.

600 Grams

At 600 grams of Thinsulate, it will keep you comfortably warm in colder weather, with light levels of activity. I use 600 grams at temps below 30 degrees when I’m in a deer stand and it is perfect for me, but it does come down to how active you will be. If you plan to still hunt your way through the woods, moving slowly, this is a good option.

800 Grams

This level of insulation is for very cold conditions with minor to moderate movement. If it’s 20 degrees and you’re still most of the hunt you will be comfortable. If your intention is moving a lot it could cause your feet to sweat. Then when you stop for an extended period of time it can cause your feet to get cold.

1000 Grams

Boots with this much insulation are for freezing weather. We’re talking single digits with snow and ice.  This will be a very warm hunting boot while sitting for a few hours, but if you are walking through snow or your feet are in snow for a while, your feet will become cold.

1200 + Grams

If you find yourself in negative-degree weather, then this is the amount of warmth you’ll need. Especially if you intend to be moving through water and snow. I personally haven’t tested a boot over 1200 grams of Thinsulate, but this is the warmest boot you’ll need in my opinion, and I’ve only seen boots go up to 1400 grams. I just can’t imagine a situation where you will be hunting and need that much protection from the cold.

Thinsulate insulation stands as a testament to innovative engineering that delivers exceptional warmth and comfort. Its ability to provide efficient insulation without adding bulk has transformed the way we approach cold weather protection. From clothing and footwear to outdoor equipment, Thinsulate has become a hallmark of quality and performance, ensuring that individuals can brave the harshest conditions while maintaining freedom of movement and style. As we continue to embrace outdoor activities and face the challenges of hunting in changing climates, Thinsulate remains a reliable ally in the quest for warmth. With its versatile applications and unwavering commitment to quality, Thinsulate insulation remains an essential choice for those who refuse to let cold weather hinder their hunting adventures.

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